keskiviikko, 18 marraskuun, 2015, 09:05

”Nemo propheta in patria” doesn’t work in Kuopio, or does it?

A deliciously funny situation from the Savonian point of view, when a busload of cultural actors comes from Jyväskylä to see destinations of Partanen & Lamusuo Ltd in Kuopio. I, Jaana, am the guide of the day, and a microphone has been set up in the bus for me. What will come of this? The plan is to start at our studio, in the pilot building we have designed for the Honkarakenne collection, with morning coffee.

One of the place to visit is Kuopio University Hospital. © Partanen & lamusuo Ltd

One of the place to visit is Kuopio University Hospital. © Partanen & lamusuo Ltd

From there, we head for the entrance lobby of the Kuopio University Hospital and to Kaarisairaala for lunch, review the Evolution façade artwork, Barso’s Models on the back wall of Vihtori, and the Minnanlantti (Minna’s Coin) artwork carved in the lobby of the Minnankantti (Minna’s Corner) multi-storey block. We’ll have coffee at cafeteria CaWa in the Alava property, which houses the glittering pot and giant cup of Elämän eliksiiri (Elixir of Life). The Alavanlehto (Alava Grove) artwork is in the same property, under lock and key in Vetrea’s vacated facilities. I hope to get the keys from Niiralankulma which manages the property.

The Grove of Alava and Elixir of Life are to be found at Alana's property. © Partanen & Lamusuo Ltd

The Grove of Alava and Elixir of Life are to be found at Alana’s property. © Partanen & Lamusuo Ltd

To end the day, we’ll head for the Orthodox Church Museum of Finland, Riisa. The excursion could be continued till late evening, inspecting projects in the making and dancing on the parquet of PalatsiStudio.

Jaana Partanen

Crystal chandeliers are sparkling at the Palace Studios.  © Partanen & Lamusuo Ltd

Crystal chandeliers are sparkling at the Palace Studios. © Partanen & Lamusuo Ltd


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