keskiviikko, 14 toukokuun, 2014, 09:40

Smell of paint and cotton dust before Riisa

Conservators’ white gloves don’t belong here yet. Jewels, gold, beautifully embroidered fragile old textiles, all those thousands of treasures have been stored elsewhere. Fortunately, because here sing the sledgehammer, drill, hammer and saw. There is still plenty of dust in the air. The Orthodox Church Museum site is in full swing. Openings have been enlarged, and the ceiling has been lifted and sprayed with cotton mass for acoustics. The walls have received a polysemic surface colour. The working and installation of the actual exhibition structures will start soon. The model works and designs have already been done and the contents created. The future graphical look will also have references to Riisa ornamentation: the web site, visiting cards, stationery, corners of future posters ─ they will all have a uniform look.

We here are looking forward to the opening of the new showroom just as much as you over there!

Jaana Partanen

The permanent exhibition of the Orthodox Church Museum of Finland is being renovated. © Partanen & Lamusuo Ltd

The permanent exhibition of the Orthodox Church Museum of Finland is being renovated. © Partanen & Lamusuo Ltd


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