maanantai, 30 syyskuun, 2013, 11:27

The Kuopio region to the world map!

The North Savo marketing program has launched a forceful campaign to brand the Kuopio region in the national awareness. And why not? Aren’t there a million good things here? The image of a good place to live is promoted by brand envoys. Also Jaana Partanen and Heikki Lamusuo have engaged themselves to be brand envoys. For them the choice of the role was easy. Adapting their words: ”The best thing we have done in Pa-La Ltd is having settled in precisely this part of the world and in this environment. The nature, the landscape, the views, the nearness of things, the people around… All that supports the goal of our activities: to harmonise the environment by our own actions.”

Others having promised to participate include: Sami Kojonen, Antti Haapakorva, Ritva-Liisa Pohjalainen, Mikko Mäntyniemi and Hanna Partanen.

Read more about our current affairs from Pa-La News 2 / 2013 here.

Suvi Niinisalo

Brand envoys Jaana Partanen and Heikki Lamusuo holding a model piece of the Evolution artwork. Photo © Vesa Toivanen

Brand envoys Jaana Partanen and Heikki Lamusuo holding a model piece of the Evolution artwork. Photo © Vesa Toivanen


More information on the Kuopio region can be found, for example, at:

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