maanantai, 3 kesäkuun, 2013, 12:44

STAR GUEST Heidi Salonen: ”Hospital spaces affect our well-being”

A well planned and implemented, quality hospital environment supports and improves our health and well-being. Scientific studies have shown that well planned and implemented space solutions, surface materials, acoustics, ventilation, lighting, temperature conditions and views of nature, in particular, have a great positive significance to the users of the spaces. The planning of welfare service spaces, such as hospitals, is very challenging. The different user groups of the spaces and their possible special needs must be considered in the planning. A successful end result is achieved by means of multiprofessional, user-oriented planning, professional implementation and maintenance of the spaces, and quality materials − functional spaces that support and promote optimally the health and well-being both of those working in the spaces and of patients and different customer groups.

Heidi Salonen, Ph.D., senior researcher
Finnish Institute of Occupational Health

The multi-purpose space, KUH main lobby area. ©Partanen & Lamusuo Ltd

The multi-purpose space, KUH main lobby area. ©Partanen & Lamusuo Ltd

You can find more research material on the subject at:

Physical characteristics of the indoor environment that affect health and wellbeing in healthcare facilities: a review.

Design approaches for promoting beneficial indoor environments in healthcare facilities: a review.


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