maanantai, 6 toukokuun, 2013, 11:54

Golden moments of everyday

A couple of years ago I wrote the book Äidin sylissä ja muita kuvakulmia äitiyteen (In mother’s arms and other aspects of motherhood, Atena 2011). In it I examined maternity through the visual arts. It was much easier to find idealised mother images than ordinary ones. To my disappointment, at the time of writing I had not come across Cinderella of artist Jaana Partanen’s Everyday Alchemy trilogy. Where Virgin Mary was earlier surrounded with gilding, in this series this is also accorded to the common earthly mother. Little everyday moments have been made golden – mental-level alchemy that all of us ought to practise. Everyday moments are the most precious, but once in a while there is cause to celebrate; felicitations to all mothers this coming Sunday!

On Mothers’ Day Sunday 12th of May, at Museo Harkko, Raisio, Jaana Partanen presents her latest work, the Mental Alchemy series, starting at 1.30 p.m. Welcome!

Suvi Niinisalo

Artwork from the series Cinderella, 2001 © Jaana Partanen

Artwork from the series Cinderella, 2001 © Jaana Partanen


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