Mental Alchemy – or rather Mental alkemi – exhibition opening in Stockholm!

The next days will see the final sprint before the opening of the Mental alkemi exhibition on the 14th of November at 6 p.m. at the Finnish Institute in Stockholm. The last important tasks still remain to be done. Nothing can be left to chance. The works are packed gently but firmly into crates and […]

Mental Alchemy and man’s internal forms in hospital planning

Some ten years ago our daughter was admitted to the Kuopio University Hospital. Morning and evening my architect husband Heikki Lamusuo and I walked through the lobby of the hospital and had both unknowingly pondered the malformation of the space. What should be done to make it more welcoming? The escalator should be removed, the […]

Jukka Poika, Jaana Partanen and 600 physicians

In the legendary cradle of nightlife, Puikkari of Kuopio, Jaana Partanen with her science-art talk comes on stage as the warm-up to Jukka Poika. Would I ever have believed this! The Mental Alchemy media artwork runs on the screens around. It is a magical dance worked out from material produced by means of physicians’ and […]

Youth unemployment and parents’ authority meet art

My friends had driven quite a distance to see the Mental Alchemy media artwork in a summer exhibition at the lovely Piippuhalli in Savolanranta, Savonlinna. However, the doors of the exhibition space were closed. By chance, the father of the youth on employment subsidy and in supervision shift walked by. The helpful father called his […]

The cancer cells of a nun deceased in 1970 come to life in Mental Alchemy

In autumn you can freeze other things besides berries and mushrooms, too. In hundreds of medical research institutes around the world, there are conserved cancer cells of a nun who died in 1970. These cells are brought back to life for confocal microscopy. So does every now and then also researcher Kirsi Rilla of the […]