keskiviikko, 28 marraskuun, 2012, 08:26

Hieroglyphs of the future encased in concrete

The cornerstone was laid under the coming new building of the Kuopio University Hospital. In the presence of eminent witnesses, the day’s coins and newspaper, the façades of the future construction, including the drafts of the “Evolution” artwork, and the groundwork that also relates Partanen & Lamusuo Ldt’s part in the planning of the future grand building were sealed in an airtight steel tube. Whoever finds the treasure roll in the future and opens our current language code, will surely be most surprised by the contents of the newspaper left for posterity. People’s violence, the number of frauds and the contamination of nature. Surely there are a few positive aspects in the paper, too…

Jaana Partanen

Architect Heikki Lamusuo in the task of laying the cornerstone.


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