tiistai, 4 elokuun, 2015, 12:02
STAR GUEST Merja Heiskanen: Unexpected encounters – time planes intersect in a light traffic street
In addition to modern people, now you’ll meet on Käsityökatu (Handicraft Street) citizens of Kuopio who lived over a hundred years ago: the Sourander boys pedalling on their tricycle. Vagabond Paavo Hyvärinen has stopped to watch the ways of the world, and gentlemen seem to take the measure of each other in the use of the sabre of the word, just like today.
The peculiarity of the centre of Kuopio is the network of light traffic streets. There townspeople meet their acquaintances and chat. There also tourists see the Kuopio way of life. Partanen & Lamusuo’s artwork brings a whole new dimension and time plane to the present.
In the years 1887─1926, the people of the time went to Victor Barsokevitsch’s studio to have their own, their family’s and their pet’s picture taken. The 70,000 negatives of the photographer’s studio are in the care of the Kuopio Cultural History Museum (KUHMU). Nine of these images have now got a fine place on the wall of the Anttila house. The images open a time plane to a bygone time and to the continuum of Kuopio townspeople’s life. How similar, yet so different!
Get to know V. Barsokevitsch and the light traffic streets: http://www.pohjois-savonmuisti.fi/kuopio
See also Citycon Oy’s press release (in Finnish) on ”Barso’s” models.
Director Merja Heiskanen, Kuopio Cultural History Museum

The facade artwork Barso’s models enlivens the street in Kuopio city centre. © Partanen & lamusuo Ltd
Avainsanat: Barso's models, public artwork, star guest