tiistai, 26 toukokuun, 2015, 06:51
The Evolution artwork displayed at the Percent-for-Art – On the Road tour
Art is utilised methodically in Kuopio as a part of the built everyday environment. How did the Art Plan bring savings to the city and how was intelligent art created at the city hospital?
The Percent-for-Art project invites you on a bus tour to acquaint you with good public art and models of art acquisition. Guides on the On the Road tour of Kuopio on 2/6/2015 include art director Jaana Partanen (Partanen & Lamusuo Ltd), design engineer Paula Pakarinen (City of Kuopio, municipal engineering planning) and provincial artist laureate for design and architecture Anu Muurinen (Arts Promotion Centre Finland, Eastern Finland). The day will reveal, for example, the extent to which Kuopio has succeeded in the methodical utilisation of art, how to finance an art project, whom to turn to in selecting an artist, how to agree successfully on the maintenance of an artwork and how to budget art as a part of a building project.
Registration by 26/5/2015. The bus tour is free of charge. Snacks and drinks will also be on offer to the participants. Reserve your seat in good time! The seats will be filled in the order of registration.
See the stopovers and the programme and register to join in at http://prosenttiperiaate.fi/tienpaalla-kuopio/
Avainsanat: Evolution