maanantai, 24 kesäkuun, 2013, 11:47

Whew, KUH!

It is now exactly five years since we started drafting a proposal for the architectural invitation competition of the Kuopio University Hospital (KUH) main entrance hall and sampling spaces. Jaana and I took the challenge very personally and with dedication. With our team, we thought up the hospital of the future, a “sanatorium” that promotes health and healing. We won the project, and with it came a long and thorough planning stage together with users, other designers and a really good developer. The year-long building stage is about to be completed, and we can observe with satisfaction that the ideas of the competition stage work just in the desired manner – space heals! As soon as we get all the signalling and the new Tuma sofas and other upholstered furniture in place, I’ll say: ”Whew, KUH!”

Heikki lamusuo

New chairs of the KUH before the placement. © Partanen & Lamusuo Ltd.

New chairs of the KUH before the placement. © Partanen & Lamusuo Ltd.


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