maanantai, 25 helmikuun, 2013, 10:06

Play of meditation and body clippings

Where can that imaginary pink lilac landscape be found? Is it an angelic halo or an opening to another world around that woman’s head? These pieces of images are quite familiar to students of medicine. Researcher Kirsi Rilla, Ph.D., of the University of Eastern Finland, says: “The images used in the work are histological clippings from man’s normal tissues enlarged a hundredfold. The images include mucous membrane of the large and the small intestine, pulmonary alveoli and skin. Since very thin clippings of tissue have to be made for microscopy, they must be coloured in order for the structure to come out more clearly. Therefore the images are tinted pink and bluish.” (Mental Alchemy science texts)

More magic of 3D photographic works and medical landscapes from researchers of their own minds at Raisio’s Museum Harkko, from 1st March to 12th May, 2013.

Welcome to the opening of the exhibition on 28th February, 2013, at 6 p.m. Open the invitation here (in Finnish).

Mental Alchemy is next exhibited at Raisio's Museum Harkko.

Mental Alchemy is next exhibited at Raisio’s Museum Harkko.


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