maanantai, 28 tammikuun, 2013, 10:23

Pertti and the new stairway of the Kuopio University Hospital

Helsinki has the Stockmann clock and Kuopio the stairway of the University Hospital.  New times give way to newer ones as the escalator under prohibition of use disappears, being replaced by a sculptural stairway. The planning, demolition and construction each require hundreds of working hours. That stairway of the Kuopio University Hospital has surely brought the most bread to Pertti’s table. He has ground a poetic structure onto the surface of the concrete stairs. It will be nice to sit on the padded bench of the stairs as an old man and show your grandchildren the beautiful trace of your own hands. The guarantee of a successful construction project is innumerable experts and a seamless co-operation in good spirit!

Jaana Partanen

The new stairway of the KUH is under construction © Partanen & Lamusuo Oy.


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